Saturday, April 29, 2006

Le premiere blog, the first blog, das erste blog etc. etc.

So I finally decided to change to blogger because everyone else had it and I just had to conform. Yes, sad I know but I'll shave my head tomorrow if someone is very distressed by this. Basically I need to write a blog because I'm leaving Canada land and people don't tend to like hearing me ramble so why not ramble on the computer for the whole wide web to hear?


Nicole said...

oo have been converted to blogging...muahahahaha

Maeghan said...

haha ...good idea, option number two would be don't leave us angelina!! lol kidding! .. welcome to: la monde de blogging

the cattled hill said...

Heyhey FINALLY it's about time you made a blog. And ya u ain't leaving lol.

snoopy said...

hey ur leaving canada land??

where tooo??

i wanna leave canada land tooooo!!!

well specifically toronto land!!!

need mountains......♥

snoopy said...

hey angelina

i dont know who i am

im really nerdy and annoying =P


but u can call me heidi =P


basically i got conncecthrd thur all this blogs by

yeah vineyard=?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

cant describe it!!!

i lurfFfffffffffffff it =D

did that explain a lil ....?