This is the view I get every morning just before I go to sleep. The rest of the world is waking but I get to sleep with this picture firmly embedded in my mind. There's something about having been up all night and then when you finally do come out seeing a sky like that. A feeling of such awe overcomes you. Fire in the Nighters live a life between two days. We wake up in the middle of one day and go to sleep at the beginning of the next. I've sort of lost myself in this lifestyle. It feels like I was made to pray in the darkness and the awesome thing is that I am doing it with people who have exactly the same goal as me, which is pursuing Jesus with our whole heart.
Last night really confirmed to me why I am being insane and staying up to pray in the night. Two of my friends and I were sitting outside in the dark because the cafe was closed. All of a sudden this drunk guy comes lumbering over to us. We weren't scared because we had one of our guy friends. I found it amusing at first but after a while it was really sad. One guy was telling me that this man came to the missions base a lot and would sometimes come and sit in the prayer room but had now gone back to his original lifestyle. Last winter they found him crawling around in the bitter cold. If they hadn't found him he would have probably frozen to death. But what really disturbed me was that the guy who was telling me this finished by shrugging his shoulders and saying: " You get used to it around here"
That really scared me. All I could think was " O Jesus don't ever let me become desentized and uncaring towards the broken and the poor."
It's so easy to become caught up with praying for revival and the ending of abortion and good stuff like that. But I hope I never forget those that society has rejected. My prayer is that I'll never turn my back in disgust but will always walk in the footsteps of my Humble King. I pray in the night because it is in the night that those who have no where else to go and who have no hope left come out. Never forget the forgotten ones of the night.
wow. even hearing your stories makes be feel convicted and the need to change. i think that that prayer is so very powerful, i know that when walking the streets of toronto, we become sooo desensitized to society's rejected-well i know i do. so thank you angelina, i'll always remember that when im sleeping, there are still those who have no where to go. i sooo admire you! <33
Aww I'm glad. It was a huge lesson I had to learn. Funny thing is God has a way of showing you what part of your heart needs some work and often he does it in the strangest way possible. I miss you dearest!
wow.. angelina thats amazing .. your revelation as why you do what you do really inspires me .. your honestly too cool of a kid :)
i miss you <3
I miss you too! You'd love it here. Keep thinking of you guys whenever we do something cool.
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