Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The sleep deprived rambles of Angelina as she sits at Jesus' feet

I don't have a lot of time to blog so this is going to have to be pretty short. My body is slowly adjusting to staying up at night. When I say slowly I mean it literally. It's been hard going to sleep at 6 am when the sun rises and then in the darkest hours of the night being up and praying. But it is because I'm up during the darkest hours in the night that I've been really starting to understand what it means to say "Jesus be my strength in my weakness". Last night was extremely difficult for me. It was a fasting day so I decided to give it a try. I managed to spend most of the "day", that for me being 2pm to 1am, living off one banana but once the 1am mark hit I couldn't take it anymore and had to devour a sandwich and whatever else they had for us. It was so hard to be up and not having food because I couldn't concentrate and everything hurt and I felt like I was about to drop down and just fall asleep. All I could do was repeat over and over in my mind "Jesus, you be my strength". Now I'm not going to tell you that all of a sudden I was filled with miraculous energy and proceeded to do back flips around the prayer room. Definitely not! I sort of trudged my way through the rest of the night only able to worship. I wasn't able to study my Bible or anything profound but I know that last night was special because God began to place so many of you on my heart and all I could do was pray. I'm starting to get a bit homesick but I know I'm supposed to be here right now even though it feels like BIBLE BOOT CAMP. READ THAT BIBLE DO IT DO IT DO IT!! haha totally joking its all about grace but when your body aches and you need toothpicks to keep your eyes open you feel very very rebellious. It's dinner in about half an hour so I'm off. I love and miss you all please call me or send me letters. I have a phone!! woohoo

Friday, June 23, 2006

First day of Fire in the Night

It's 9:25pm Kansas City time which is an hour behind Toronto time and I am here sitting in the cafe on the missions base. My journey here was quite uneventful except for the American immigrations officer giving me a little trouble before letting me go in. He didn't really buy my story about visiting friends in Kansas for three months. Probably because there is not much to do here but tip cows and run around in cornfields and pretend you're Dorothy who's off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Oz. Just joking... I am here to radically encounter Jesus and to pray like I've never prayed before so its all worth it.
My plane landed at KC airport around 10:30 where I was picked up by my friend Charlie Warlie. Charlie's his name not Charlie Warlie but I like Charlie Warlie better so that is what I have dubbed him. Charlie's a crazy awesome guy. Little (well not little he's tall)Brit boy with crazy dreads. Anyways so he picked me up and then I went and crashed at his place for a bit because I was crazy tired having been up since 4am. My nap, however, only lasted for about an hour because this little baby started screaming bloody murder! Yes there are alot of people in the Hibberd house at the moment. Following my interrupted nap I was driven to a walmart about half an hour away. There's actually a walmart ten minutes away but for some reason Ihoppers won't go there because they say its ghetto and you'll get mugged if you're white. Thats complete and utter rubbish. My mom and I went there all last summer but I'm not going to judge the peeps here I'm just going to show them that there's not need for nasty prejudices. More about this issue later.
After Walmart came back to Charlies had burgers and then I was off to register myself into Fire in the Night. I met my team leaders who funnily enough are all called Sarah. I find that very amusing. The girls in my apartment are all really nice. I happen to be the youngest that I know off for now. Most people in this internship are in their early twenties but hey I guess this will just make me more mature. I'm such a kid I have to grow up sometime so this will be a great time to do so. I have another 8 hours left to go in this day. They are starting us on the program right away meaning we're going to have to be up till 4 am tonight. Ooo Angelina is sooo happy about that. NOT!! I need someone with a pokey stick to sit next to me and poke me when I fall asleep. Anyways I think I'm going to go to the prayer room for a bit to soak. There's a lot I want to get out of this internship but the one thing I want to learn is to have HIM saturate all that I am. I want who I am to be defined by all that Jesus is. Passionate lovers is definetly the word to describe the people here. I miss you all but I'll be bringing you before His throne as I stay up to pray tonight.
luv always,

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Amy says goodbye

So my bestest came to say goodbye to me yesterday. Drove all the the way from Pennslyvania to be here for her senior week. It was a crazy time of laughter and reminiscing and all the other ridiculous things we get ourselves into. I also got to me Emily, Amy's friend from the States. She's so awesome. Anyways the pictures are better than words.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


True friendship is the strongest human relationship of all. I've spent a lot of time thinking about friendship for the past month. I guess you don't realize how much you're blessed with until you have to leave it behind. The past few weeks God has been talking to me about what it means to be a real friend.
Our society today has gotten the meaning of friendship all wrong. To the world friendship means a relationship where its all about selfish gain. What can my friend do for me? Will they increase my social status? Do they make me feel good? But I wanted to know what God had to say about friends. One of my favourite examples of friendship in the Bible is that of David and Jonathan's. In 1 Samuel 20:17 It says that Jonathan loved David as he loved himself. The Message even goes as far as to say that Jonathan loved David more than his own soul!

So basically the way God see's friendship is something that is so pure and holy that many people never really begin to understand what it means to be a real friend. To be a friend you have to place someone before yourself. As a friend you want the very best for the other person. It's a decision to love and cherish them no matter what. It also means that when you reach the stage in friendship where you completely trust the person. you also have the duty to lead your friend in the direction God wants them to be even if it means letting them gently know that the place they are at right now is not where they should be. Being a friend is not an easy task for us. As selfish little humans we tend to love to talk about ourselves and our problems but I think its time we stopped being so self obsessed and begin to focus on someone else. Friendship is such an amazing gift. I honestly don't know what I'd do without my friends. I think I'm guilty for not appreciating all of you as much as I should.

So to all my friends I love and cherish you very much and even though I'm leaving you will always hold a place in my heart. My brown crew: Lani you have such an inner strength that I admire. I love you and I want to thank you for always encouraging me. You've pushed me to do bigger things.
Sandra, four years of watching you grow and mature. I can't tell you how much I love and appreciate you. You are so special and whatever you set your heart out to do you will do with the best of your ability.Follow your dreams and always keep your eyes fixed on Him. Natalia, you have changed so much and I can't tell you how incredibly proud of you I am. You are beautiful both inside and out and don't let anyone ever convince you otherwise. Your value lies in the way your heavenly father sees you!
Nicole! I am going to miss your laugh like crazy! You brighten everyday for me and I love hearing to your funny stories. Only you would dance in the hallways and I love you for that. Dora, you are the one I admire and respect the most. You are such an example to me. Your love for Jesus shines through everything you do and I am so blessed to have you as my friend. You are wise my friend and I thank God for you! Keep loving Him the way you do.
Tina, my driver! Haha I love you so much. You are gorgeous, smart and kind and I am so happy that you are my friend. I’m going to miss you so much especially as I’m going to be the only one you can’t visit .

And now my lovely TACF crew!! Angelica, my sister forever!! I've known you the longest and I am so incredibly blessed to have you as my friend. I remember when we first met you were so shy and sweet. I remember you asked me to be your friend. I was so happy that day because somehow I knew that God had brought a very special person into my life. You are beautiful and the sweetest person I know. You and I will always be friends because we've gone through so much together. Nothing can separate us and I want you to know that no matter the distance I will always love you and you will always be my Angelica!
Rachelle, I only got to know you recently but I am so grateful for you. You are so encouraging and God has such amazing plans for your life. Your heart is so pure and your love for Jesus blows me away. May you always have a heart of worship and give it all to Him because He is all that matters.
Mel, I love you! You are kind, loving and every time I see you I am so happy to be able to call you my friend. God has given you so much wisdom and insight that is way beyond someone your age. You are truly a woman of God and when I look at your face I see Jesus. You are also an incredible worshipper. Of all the people I know you are the most humble and that is so refreshing in this world where everyone is filled with pride.
Maeghan, you brighten every room you walk into. I love your infectious smile and the way you are so passionate about seeing your friends come to know Jesus. You are someone I trust and value and I am going to miss you terribly.
Miranda, you are so lovely! You are incredibly sweet and God has given you such an amazing talent to capture the beauty of his creation.
James! You are so freaking amazing!!! I am going to miss you and your random comments. Now I won't have anyone to sing renditions of Outkast with. Keep smiling buddy and go for all your dreams. One day I be able to call you Dr. James and just for you I'll let you tell me all the gruesome details of guts and blood and whatever strange things you enjoy.
Brendan, I admire your heart more than anything else. You are such a complex and deep thinker and such a passionate lover of Jesus. I am so glad I got to know you. There are so many things about you that God is going to use for big things and I'm so excited for your future. I will miss our chats but I know that even though our time was short I met someone who was definitely worth getting to know.
Ashley P, I love you man! You are so funny and talented and beautiful and most of all your love Jesus! I’m going to miss you tons and tons. I love your random funny faces and your voice and your laugh and basically I love everything about you!
Sarah, you have such an incredible sense of humour. It definitely runs in the family. I loved getting to know you in this short time. God is the one who has placed that passion in your heart for the unborn who are given no voice. I can already see that He has something huge planned for your life. Keep going strong for Jesus and you already shine so brightly for him.
John Pditty, even though you tease me mercilessly I think you’re so great! You’re funny, smart, tall, white trying to be black I mean come on whats not to love??? I’m going to miss you so much! You better keep in touch or else you know about those men in black who will be at your doorstep.
Samuele, first of all let me say that you are every girls dream boy! Lol sorry couldn’t resist teasing you. I love your heart of worship and how you love Jesus. I’ve sort of adopted you as my brother even though you don’t know that but I’m letting you know now. I am going to miss playing on the same worship team as you and our talks. You are such a great guy and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you.
Last but not least Leena, I love you! You have such an exciting future ahead of you and I can’t wait to one day work with you. I am going to miss you a lot because you have taught me so much about listening to what God has to say about our lives. You will always have a place in my heart.
For all those I haven’t included in this I love you just as much and want you to know that your friendship has meant so much to me. Here’s one more verse about friendship. John 15:13 “Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends.” I love you!